Barbara Freeman Warden
Barbara F Warden has had years of experience as a studio artist in drawing and painting, freelance photography, fiber art and teaching. As a nationally-recognized fiber artist for more than a dozen years, she worked in vivid colors and abstract design. Her fiber art was juried into numerous shows. She also was voted a DelawareByHand Master artist. The appeal of drawing for her, however, and its immediacy in contrast to the more indirect methods of fiber art, impelled her back to drawing at the beginning of 2012. It is clear to her that drawing is the essential root of artistic ideas and imagination.
She is now working on several drawing portfolios. Her drawings have been juried into national exhibits within the past two years, including The Art League in Alexandria, Virginia, The Mitchell Gallery in St. Johns College, Annapolis, Maryland as well as exhibits in Delaware. She has shown at the Biggs Museum in Dover, Delaware and Gallery 50 in Rehoboth Beach. Influences on her art wowrk include the acclaimed fiber artist Diane Itter and the painters Joan Mitchell, Lee Krasner, Anselm Kiefer and Vincent Van Gogh.
Barbara Warden received her bachelor's degree from UCLA in European History and fine art and a masters from the University of Maryland. She taught at Catholic University and the Corcoran in Washington DC, at the Kingsbury Lab School in Washington DC and at Northern Virginia Community College.

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