Artist Roster

Christopher Nichols

Work with Christopher

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Critically acclaimed clarinetist Christopher Nichols enjoys a dynamic career with performances as a soloist and in ensembles across the United States and abroad. As a professional instrumental soloist, he received praise from the American Prize: “"¦lovely long line, evocative playing, flexible"¦tone is rich and round, welcoming, clean and elegant"¦fine performances from a skilled artist."

A dedicated pedagogue, Dr. Nichols joined the faculty of the University of Delaware School of Music in 2013 where he is Associate Professor of Clarinet. As an artist clinician, he regularly appears at universities throughout the United States. His students have found success in competitions, won positions in military bands, and serve as music educators.

Dr. Nichols has appeared as a featured soloist at conferences of the International Clarinet Association, European Clarinet Association, National Association of Collegiate Wind and Percussion Instructors and College Music Society. In 2015, the Delaware Division of the Arts awarded Dr. Nichols an Established Artist Fellowship in recognition for his work as a solo recitalist. He has released solo and chamber music recordings on internationally distributed labels including Navona Records, Viduus Records and Albany Records, which have won praise in publications such as Gramophone, The Clarinet, Fanfare, NACWPI Journal, De Klarinet, and Pizzicato.

As a Légère Reeds Endorsing Artist, Silverstein Pro Team Artist, and a Buffet Crampon USA Artist Clinician, Dr. Nichols performs exclusively on Légère Signature Series reeds, Silverstein ligatures and Buffet clarinets. Additionally, he is an RCW Artist and plays on RCW clarinet barrels. Additional information is available at


Pizzicato: "In this varied program, Christopher Nichols’ performances are rich-timbred, imaginative and vivid. The clarinetist impresses with a virtuoso playing, yet the most fascinating here is his finely nuanced cantabile which makes the slow movements so charming."

Fanfare: “Any recital that ranges in style from that of Camille Saint-Saëns to John Cage automatically suggests versatility on the part of the performer, and indeed that is to be found in the playing of clarinetist Christopher Nichols, who plays sublimely throughout the present disc."

Gramophone: “Nichols gives a very fluent account, relishing the many different textures the master orchestrator deployed, and Nishimura’s accompaniment is sensitive and never overshadows her partner."

NACWPI Journal: “Nichols and Nishimura perform both pieces expertly while conveying musically sensitive phrasing and exploiting the vast technical possibilities provided by the ensemble."

Victoria International Arts Festival: “Performed by solo clarinetist, Christopher Robert Nichols, it was delivered with passion and understated intensity. Following loosely a programmatic thread, the clarinet could indulge in a wide variety of colour that at times become almost dazzling and frenzied. Nichols has a wonderful tone and especially in the lower registers he exuded an aura of exoticism and seduction that is so characteristic of this instrument."

Artist Information

Workshops, Performances, Master Classes, Lectures / Public Speaking
Adult, 9th to 12th Grade, 6th to 8th Grade
Theaters & Auditoriums, Schools, Festivals, Community Sites
Regional Availability
Northern Delaware
Wilmington DE 19809


Christopher Nichols