Eileen Olson
Eileen Olson is constantly exploring the mutually dependent relationship between man and nature by re- interpreting what she sees and feels. This is the soul of her art. Deciphering how the different groups within nature interplay and react with one another has always intrigued her. Through her abstract mixed media and collage artworks, she attempts her search with a great sense of adventure and excitement.
When creating her art, Eileen’s main focus lies in the instinctive movement and rhythm of her strokes, painting with emotion and from her heart. Her creations are characterized by applications of color in both painterly and geometric compositions in water media, pastel, collage and oils, while abstractly echoing what she sees in nature. Olson constantly seeks to modify her approach, resisting the comfort of tendency and maintaining the freshness of an uncharted territory. Max Ernst, Franz Kline, Gustav Klimt, Rauschenberg, Brice Marden, Pia Fries, Philip Guston and Wolf Kahn are some of her favorite artists who influence and inspire her to paint with confidence.
Eileen hails from Brooklyn, NY and Northern Virginia and has been painting since her youth. After a 30-year career as an R.N., she decided to go into art full-time. She was a member of the Lorton Workhouse Arts Center Studio Artists in Virginia where she maintained a working studio for 8 years. She also conducts art workshops and gives demonstrations to numerous art leagues and local social groups.
Eileen has attended numerous workshops, as well as studio classes at the Brooklyn Museum School of Art in NY and The Corcoran School of Art in Washington, DC. Living at the shore influences the subject of her newest works where she lives at her Bethany Beach home with her husband, Mike. Eileen’s artwork can also be seen at the Rehoboth Art League and Zatista.com and Saatchi.com. Eileen also taught a semester of art at the Fairfax County Detention Center for Youths.

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