Joseph F Arsenault
JF (Jeff) Arsenault was raised in the woods...
on the beaches and in the cities of Rehoboth, Lewes and Dewey Beach Delaware. He was encouraged in his artistic pursuits from a very young age by both of his parents and older (and some would say wiser) brother.
Jeff has always been inspired by and intrigued with monsters, the weird and creepy, comic books and nature. Early in his childhood he was introduced to the Father of American Illustration, (and Delaware native) Howard Pyle via his book The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. In high school he developed a love for JRR Tolkien’s works and artists like Frank Frazetta that would paint fantastic worlds.
Jeff Studied Graphic Design at the Art Institute of Philadelphia and Ft. Lauderdale. After spending many years in the graphic design field he went back to studying fine art and illustration. He has attended various classes at the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art and The Visual Arts Passage Online program.

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