Kari Ann Ebert
Kari Ann Ebert is the Poetry & Interview editor for The Broadkill Review. Winner of the 2020 Sandy Crimmins National Prize in Poetry and the 2018 Gigantic Sequins Poetry Contest, Kari’s work has appeared in journals such as The Night Heron Barks, Free State Review, Mojave River Review, Philadelphia Stories, The Main Street Rag, The Ekphrastic Review, and Gargoyle as well as several anthologies. Her honors include a residency at Virginia Creative Center for the arts (2021), Individual Artist Fellow in Literature: Poetry, Delaware Division of the Arts (2020), and fellowships from MidAtlantic Arts Foundation (2021), The Shipman Agency (2020), BOAAT Press (2020), and Brooklyn Poets (2019). Her limited-edition chapbook Alphabet of Mo(u)rning is available from Lily Press. Kari is on the board of The Dover Art League, a member of the Holly Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, and is an active member of the Dover, Delaware arts community.

Artist Information
Regional Availability
Creative Aging
Creative Aging Program
The Imaginative Act of Poetry: exploring art to spark your poem
In-person 8-session program + culminating event
Program Description: Everyone has a poem inside of them"¦maybe several! This program will fire up creativity through sparks lit from famous and not-so-famous works of art. Participants will learn about ekphrastic poetry (poetry inspired by art) and practice writing techniques based on a variety of artwork. They will respond to writing prompts and learn the craft of revising poetry. Each session will allow time to share and discuss with one another in pairs & groups. Participants will be given the tools to craft the beginnings of up to six poems. The culminating activity will be a poet’s cafe highlighting and celebrating their poetry.
Fees: Instruction - $75/hr x 16 hrs = $1,200. Preparation/Planning - $35/hr x 12 hrs = $420. Culminating event - $75/ hr. x 2 hrs = $150. Total fees = $1,770.