Linda Harris Reynolds
Owner/Sole Artist and Instructor
1989 - Current
Internationally recognized portraitist, Linda Harris Reynolds; has been creating memorable portraits for families, and individuals for the past 34 years from her studio in Centreville, Delaware; and now is the resident artist at the historic Howard Pyle Studios.
Founding her own private Atelier in 2010 called The Centreville Art Students’ League, she has taught classical painting and drawing based on instruction she received from the Florence Academy of Art, in Florence, Italy. Working primarily in oil, pastel, and charcoal media; her contemporary figurative work reflects a fresh take on the human spirit.
Ms. Reynolds was honored to receive the commissions to paint the official portrait of DE’ First Lady, Ms. Tracey Quillen Carney in 2020, which will hang in the Governor’s Mansion Woodburn in Dover, DE. upon it’s Unveiling in 2025.
Most recently in 2023 Ms. Reynolds completed commissions to paint the President of Cecil College, Dr. Mary Way Bolt; and the Founder of Medical
Oncology Hematology Consultants at the Helen Graham Cancer Center, Dr. Michael Guarino. She also just received the commission to paint the Dean of the University of Delaware, College of Arts and Sciences, Dean John A. Pelesko.
She has served as the DE State Ambassador to the International Portrait Society of American for the past 15 years, mentoring artists from the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates in the Society’s Cecilia Beaux Mentoring Program.
Four times was honored to be featured in the international Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine in their editorial section "Today's Masters"; as well as being featured in The American Art Collector Magazine’s recent article “Compelling Faces” in 2021. She was invited to be included in both Vanity Fair UK and House and Garden UK’s art sections for May, June, and July 2022. Received recognition from the international Plein Air Magazine’s Bi-Monthly Salon Competitions; in 2018 Apr/May for “Best Animal” category, and 2020 for "Best Pastel" in their 9th Annual Salon appearing in their Sep/Oct issue. Was a guest lecturer at the Philadelphia Sketch Club in February 2017, and has twice lectured for the Academy of Life Long Learning (a part of the University of Delaware). In 2019, she received an Honorable Mention for my piece "Nina in Summer" in the NTDTV's 5th International Figure Painting Competition (in conjunction with the Art Renewal Center) held in the historic Salmagundi Club in NYC, and Honorable Mention in the Portrait Society of America's International “Art of the Portrait “competition for my piece ”The Traveler”.
WHYY Philadelphia TV featured my work in May 2017 in their cultural arts segment "First" doing a portrait painting demo. Currently am listed on an international contemporary artist website.

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