Artist Roster

Michele D Tilford

Work with Michele

Have funding to hire this artist? Email Michele Call 619-318-9775

Looking for funding to hire this artist for your organization? The Delaware Division of the Arts provides grants that support small budget projects that include the presentation of performing, visual, literary, media, or folk arts in communities throughout the state. Organizations that receive General Operating Support are generally not eligible to apply. Rolling deadline; submit at least 6 weeks prior to the project start date. Learn More

I've been a maker my entire life. Starting in dance, I was with the Garden State Ballet from childhood until I was 19. I performed in performances in schools, across NJ. My interest in dance lead to other dance forms that my body was better suited for,  professional raqs sharqi  and ethno fusion dancer being the primary ones. Performing in club venues in NJ & NY with live musicians in the heyday of the genre was a golden opportunity. Other venues included: Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival, Queens Day, Atlantic City and Brooklyn Academy of Music's Next Wave Festival.  

Throughout these times I worked as artist model for NY metro area schools, institutions and private artists. Dury the 80's it was common for dancers to make their own costumes this lead to forming my company "Alia Michele Designs" a design, manufacturing ethno fusion dance wear company, I operated for ten years in Astoria, NY.  After moving to California I continued with visual arts, particularly figurative drawing. Continue my work as an artist model and artist. Creating and posting a bi-weekly web comic (2009-2011)

After arriving in Delaware in time for COVID, I've been involved in the Newark Arts Alliance as a volunteer (I run the Drop -in/open figure group), co-chair the gallery shop and teach classes in drawing. 

Areas of interest: book arts (active member of the Upper Chesapeake Book Arts Group), illustration and textile design, and have a deep appreciation for sketchbooks

Education: William Paterson College-BFA (art history concentration), Parson School for Design (computer graphics) University of California- drawing/painting/sketchbook

                    Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, San Diego painting in addition to various workshops

Companies: Goshen Tees (1977-80's) Alia Michele Designs, (1995-2007)  1TWO66 (2019-present)

Artist Information

Newark DE 19711