Roger Matsumoto
Roger Matsumoto has been involved with hand-made photographic prints using various processes. His major medium is the palladium process, and he also uses this process to make what are termed palladium monoprints. These monoprints incorporate a palladium print within the overall work, which is made of brushed elements that are printed at the same time as the photographic print. These monoprints are not repeatable due to the brushed areas of the print.
He has been working in palladium for over 30 years and has shown these palladium prints in over 120 shows. In addition, works in other mediums bring the total exhibitions to over 170.
In addition to palladium, he has worked in cyanotypes, salt prints, wet-plate negatives and wet-plate positives (tin types and ambrotypes), and of course what is rapidly becoming an alternative process; silver gelatin.
His works are part of the permanent collections at the Philadelphioa Museum of Art (3 prints), the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, as well as other institutions.
His palladium print was awarded first place in an international competition in London in 2006.
He was a Challenge exhibitor at the Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia.

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