Shannon Connor Winward
Shannon Connor Winward is an American editor and author of literary and speculative writing. Her stories have been published or are forthcoming in Psuedopod: Artemis Rising, Gargoyle, Stupefying Stories, Spinetingler Magazine, Scigentasy, Flash Fiction Online, Plasma Frequency Magazine, PANK, and The Vestal Review, as well as in genre anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic. Her poetry appears widely in such venues as Pedestal Magazine, Strange Horizons, Fairy Tale Magazine, Literary Mama, Hip Mama, Star*Line, Illumen, Ideomancer, and Dreamstreets, and in the SFPA’s 2012 Anthology of Rhysling Award nominees.
A Semi-Finalist in the Writers of the Future Contest, Shannon was also runner-up for an emerging artist fellowship in literature by the Delaware Division of the Arts in 2014 and 2015. Her debut poetry chapbook, UNDOING WINTER, was nominated for a 2015 Elgin award. It is available from the author,, or Finishing Line Press.
Shannon is also a staff writer for Pop Culture Madness, and a poetry editor for Devilfish Review.
Shannon is a graduate of the University of Delaware. She lives and writes in Newark, Delaware, where she is an active member of The Written Remains Writers Guild and the Newark Arts Alliance. A long-time fan of the stage and performance, Shannon participates in local literary readings, cabarets, and open mic venues, and coordinates two local poetry critique workshops. In between parenting, writing, and other madness, Shannon works in the non-profit sector to support local artists and community enrichment, and advocates for reform of mental health services for children and adults.