2005 Baynard Blvd
Wilmington, DE 19802
In existence since 1884, Children & Families First (CFF) helps children facing adversity on their journey to adulthood. CFF uses proven methods to help families raise their children so they can flourish. Children & Families First strengthens Delaware families by delivering an innovative and effective continuum of community-based social services statewide. Services are provided in our five sites located in all three Delaware counties, as well as in homes, schools and other community locations. CFF employs 275 staff, and serves approximately 40,000 people each year. CFF is positioned to meet changing community needs through replication of evidence-based practices and rigorous outcomes management. CFF is a member of the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, the Children's�Home Society of America, and a partner agency of the United Way of Delaware.
CFF is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA is committed to maintaining the highest level of standards and quality improvement in order to identify providers that have set high performance standards for themselves and have made a commitment to their constituents to deliver the highest quality services. Children & Families First provides a comprehensive array of programs within these areas of service: Positive Parenting, Healthy Babies, Early Childhood, Supporting Teens, Community Schools, and the Workplace. Specific programs include the Nurse Family Partnership, Healthy Families America, Seaford House residential treatment center for adolescents, Functional Family Therapy, Intensive Outpatient therapy, Delaware Stars for Early Success (childcare), and Rise Up.